Monthly Archives: January 2010


Took some pics of the Rav yesterday…Here’s just one that I liked.

Photo location: Elizabeth,NJ

A. Estevez

I just recently asked Ms. Estevez:

Who are you fashion influences?

My fashion influences comes from my NYC way of life. On the go with a pair of high heels running down soho or chillen on my stoop with my hightops and sweats on.

There definitely is no better influence on anything in life than NYC it self.  Gotta love the Fckin City.

Self Esteem

True self esteem :Immune to criticism and flattery. Beneath no one, superior to none. Fearless

Pilfered Magazine

If your a fan of photography, art, or just fine work; you might just be interested in this magazine.  Pilfered.

“PILFERED is a place where artists, photographers, designers, and the inspired can submit their favorite visuals pilfered from the web to share with one another. Founded on the spirit of web democracy, and built to aid in communicating ideas and concepts, PILFERED Magazine aims to assist in speaking the thousand words – visually.”

New toys

Finally on that Blu Ray

Christmas gift from the cousin…now the Rav4 is outfitted with a snowboard rack.

Some Freshness

Gettin ready for that summer sun.


Things to focus on for the new year:

~Budget more wisely

~Get the focus back on Project 6

~Learn spanish

~Get to a 160lbs solid